We cannot know exactly what will happen in the next 10 years or even tomorrow. Human can only create presumptions, ideas about the possibilities of what could happen, inspired by masterpieces such as Blade runner, Akira and Asto Boy. There are two types of human, the first ‘’ The Artist’’ and the second is ‘’The Scientis’’. The artist creates the future from imagination, arranges the novelty from the immposible , while The Scientist makes the future through data and research.
Historians Joe Com and Brian Horrigan stated ,".The future, or course, does not exist except as an act of belief or imagination." We cannot know exactly what will happen in the next I0 years or even tomorrow. Human can only create presumptions, ideas about the possibilities of what could happen.
There are two types of hutnans in the presumption process, the first is "The Artist" and the second is "The Scientist". The artist creates the future from imagination, arranges the novelty from the impossible, while the scientist takes the future through data and research, they look through things that already exist and can be developed. fact the artist and the scientist often have to cooperate together because only from there the new reformers emerge.
Uniqueness is a sign that is sent from the future. Visionaries and reformers are known to be difficult to compromise their ideas because they believe a novelty sometimes born out of convention and must rebelling from the comfort zone. From there wilJ emerge the concept of "coolness", an attitude of !! don't give a f*ck" in differen ce to what others think, to believe and fight for realizing the vision. Something we perceived as odd today may be fashionable next year because we believe humans express themselves through adaptation and change.
In the latest Niion series, Sterling Bag; we want to convey a vision of an unusual future, a blend of creation by "The Artist" and "The Scientist". Inspired by masterpieces such as Blade Runner, Akira and Astro Boy; This special product balances function and aesthetics. In its classic function,
Sterling Bag is the right choice to bring practical daily needs while in terms of aesthetics, we break the boundary; creating a quirky but still edgy look, as we imagined suitable for.